Search results for: Safeguarding


ETF: The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL, DDSL) in further education

A broad introduction to the role and responsibilities, and tools available to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL) working in further education settings.   A note about our third-party resources  Third-party resources are those not created directly by the Educate Against Hate team, or by the Department for Education. All […]
Age group:
KS 5
Non-statutory guidance, Policy guidance
Web pages

ETF Safeguarding and Prevent hub

A hub to support further education (FE) providers in engaging with the Prevent duty and in understanding British Values, comprising: e-learning guidance and good practice guides blogs Prevent events and training courses   A note about our third-party resources  Third-party resources are those not created directly by the Educate Against Hate team, or by the […]
Age group:
KS 5
Non-statutory guidance, Policy templates, Training
Web pages

Incels: A guide for those teaching Year 10 and above.

This guide explains what the Incel online subculture is and the signs that a young person may be engaging with it. This guide is for: teachers of key stage 4 and older students school leaders designated safeguarding leads those working in education settings with a Prevent Duty This guide will help them: understand what Incels […]
Subject area:
Extremism, Radicalisation
Age group:
KS 4, KS 5
Teacher guidance

Prevent duty guidance update (September 2023): a briefing note for higher education providers

This short briefing note explains what the key changes in the updated Prevent duty guidance are for those in leadership and safeguarding roles in higher education providers. It covers what the key changes are, how the changes affect higher education providers, and signposts the support available to them in implementing Prevent.
Subject area:
Prevent duty
Fact sheet, Policy guidance

Prevent duty guidance update (September 2023): a briefing note for local authority children’s services teams

This short briefing note explains what the key changes in the updated Prevent duty guidance are for those in leadership and safeguarding roles in local authority children’s services teams. It covers what the key changes are, how the changes affect local authority children’s services teams, and signposts the support available to them in implementing Prevent.
Subject area:
Prevent duty
Fact sheet, Policy guidance

Prevent duty guidance update (September 2023): a briefing note for further education and skills providers

This short briefing note explains what the key changes in the updated Prevent duty guidance are for those in leadership and safeguarding roles in further education and skills providers. It covers what the key changes are, how the changes affect further education and skills providers, and signposts the support available to them in implementing Prevent.
Subject area:
Prevent duty
Age group:
KS 5
Fact sheet, Policy guidance

Prevent duty guidance update (September 2023): a briefing note for schools and early years providers

This short briefing note explains what the key changes in the updated Prevent duty guidance are for those in leadership and safeguarding roles in schools and early years providers. It covers what the key changes are, how the changes affect schools and early years providers, and signposts the support available to them in implementing Prevent.
Subject area:
Prevent duty
Age group:
Early Years, KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4
Fact sheet

Home Office Prevent referrals e-learning

This course is primarily designed for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL), Prevent professionals or equivalent roles who make Prevent referrals. If that responsibility is a part of your job role, regardless of your job title, then this course is for you. This course builds on your existing awareness of Prevent and will explain how to make […]
Subject area:
Age group:
KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4, KS 5
Interactive site

