
How is extremism relevant to me as a parent?

November 17, 2015

Radicalisation and recruitment of young people to extremist causes is an increasing concern. Any child could be vulnerable to extremist narratives, although there are factors which can make some children more vulnerable than others.

How do I talk to my child about extremism?

December 21, 2017

If you’re worried your child is being exposed to extremist influences or has been radicalised, talking to them might be daunting. Here are some ways to make it easier.

What is Channel?

November 17, 2015

Channel is a voluntary, confidential programme which safeguards people identified as vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. It is a multi-agency process, involving partners from the local authority, the police, education, health providers and others.

What should I do if I think my child is being radicalised?

November 17, 2015

If you are worried that your child is being radicalised, you have a number of options. Talking to your child is a good way to gauge if your instincts are correct, but you might prefer to share your concerns with someone else first.

How is extremism and Prevent relevant to my school?

November 17, 2015

Schools have a legal duty, called the Prevent duty, to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Schools already play an important role in keeping children and young people safe from harm. As a school leader you are in a key position to protect them from extremist narratives.

What can I do to ensure my school complies with the Prevent duty?

December 20, 2017

There are a number of practical things that schools should do to prevent students being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas: carry out a risk assessment, work in partnership, train staff and have appropriate IT policies and practices in place.

What should my staff be teaching in class?

November 17, 2015

Schools should be a safe space where students can discuss social and political issues, including extremism and terrorism. Building young people’s resilience will put them in a stronger position to reject extremist views.