Assembly plans


Incels: A guide for those teaching Year 10 and above.

This guide explains what the Incel online subculture is and the signs that a young person may be engaging with it. This guide is for: teachers of key stage 4 and older students school leaders designated safeguarding leads those working in education settings with a Prevent Duty This guide will help them: understand what Incels […]
Subject area:
Extremism, Radicalisation
Age group:
KS 4, KS 5
Teacher guidance

Solutions Not Sides: resources for discussing Israel and Palestine in schools

These resources have been developed by the Solutions Not Sides (SNS) team to offer teachers & their students resource materials that can be used in classrooms together, or independently by students. The teacher guides can make sure you feel confident and informed when discussing this topic with students. The class activity packs are  interactive, with […]
Subject area:
Debate and discussion
Age group:
KS 3, KS 4
Lesson activity, Teacher guidance
Pdf, Presentation slides