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- Age group:
- Early Years, KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4, KS 5
- Resources:
- Non-statutory guidance
- Format:
- Web pages
Non-statutory guidance by the Department for Education for designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) to help safeguard learners vulnerable to radicalisation.
The guidance is designed to explain the Prevent referral process and statutory responsibilities to keep children, young people and adult learners safe from the risk of extremist ideology or radicalisation. The guidance will help those with safeguarding responsibilities with:
- an introduction to the Prevent duty for those with safeguarding responsibilities
- understanding and identifying radicalisation risk in an education setting
- managing risk of radicalisation in an education setting
- Prevent case studies
The guidance has been developed by frontline practitioners in local authorities, with support from the Department for Education. It reflects learning since the introduction of the Prevent duty in 2015.