How can this
resource help?
- Subject area:
- Prevent duty
- Age group:
- Early Years, KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4, KS 5
- Resources:
- Non-statutory guidance, Policy templates
- Format:
- Excel sheet, Web pages
These templates are for:
- registered early years settings
- maintained schools
- academies
- non-association independent schools
- further education and skills providers
They support you to assess the risk of children, young people or adult learners being radicalised into terrorism, including online.
The risk assessment template can help you demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the terrorism threat in the local area, the phase of education and the size and type of setting. The template supports providers to set out an action plan to communicate and clarify procedures in place to mitigate risks to children, young people and adult learners vulnerable to radicalisation into terrorism.